Friday July 26, 2024 Community Standards

Our site is a community friendly portal. We ask everyone to treat other members with dignity and respect. We expect that you use socially acceptable language within your posts, on and any of the social media channels that we manage under our brand. Remember, you are conversing with your neighbours. Failing to maintain this simple standard could result in your posts being deleted, or you being removed from the platform.

We are in the process of developing a comprehensive Community Standards Policy to reflect the values we would like to see in all online communities. Our policy will reflect on topics that are effected the most. We are 100% against censorship and censoring the content placed on the pages of our platform. However, there is a unique balance that needs to occur to ensure the follow:

  • Safety for those who use our platform.
  • Privacy for our users that wish to protect themselves online.
  • Authenticity within our users.
  • Dignity and respect for all users of our platform.
  • Equality of voices.
  • Minimalizing and removing objectionable content.
  • Respecting Intellectual Property and the people/companies that may own it.
  • Protecting minors and other vulnerable members of our platform.

As you can appreciate, these types of topics are difficult to devise. We will be looking towards other platforms and seeking out best practices. We aim to ensure that whatever policies we pledge to maintain, will benefit the majority and punish only the few that may have ill intent while on our platform.

With this said, we have some incredible developments to unveil in the future. We look forward to the connections to be made using our platform by our neighbours, our friends and family, our local businesses and dining establishments, and our local politicians.

Thank you and we look forward to serving our users for many more years to come, Community Managers

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