Local Movies in Theatres...

After 15 years of supporting the local Cineplex theatres in Ajax and Pickering, we no longer have access to the live movie feed of films playing in Ajax and Pickering theatres.

We reached out to Cineplex to determine if the access to the feed was changed, or in the process of being updated. Unfortunately, Cineplex has discontinued data access for third party publishers, which includes AjaxPickering.ca.

Our movie listings have been published on our site without financial support, or consideration, from Cineplex since our launch date in 2008.

We have decided that the time has arrived to remove this feature from our offerings. Without the support of Cineplex, we do not have the resources, or the authorization, to publish this content moving forward. If Cineplex reverses this decision and resumes support for third party publishing of movie listings, we will revisit this decision at that time.

We would like to thank you for all of the support you, the local movie-going viewers, have provided our publication over the past 15 years and nearly 5,000 films, events, and special features, we have had promoted on our site during this timeframe.

Thank you for your support of our publication and the movie industry,

Brian Evely, Publisher

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