Bradley Nazar
Candidate - Mayor
Campaign Office:
Virtual Campaign Office
About Bradley
Bradley Nazar has dedicated most of his life to serving the public.
He joined the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves at the age of 16 as a summer job. That summer job lasted almost decade and paid for his degree at Carleton University, where he graduated with a BA in Criminology with a minor in Law. Upon graduating, Brad started working on Parliament Hill, first in the office of the Minister of National Defence, and then in the office of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.
After completing his MA in International Security at the Centre for Policing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism at Macquarie University in Australia, Brad had a brief stint in the private sector, improving security at diamond mines and other facilities in Canada and internationally.
In 2018 he returned to public service, working for Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy at Queen's Park, first as Director of Issues and Legislative Affairs at the Treasury Board of Ontario, and then as Deputy Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Finance of Ontario.
Brad is a public servant and currently works for Metrolinx, the Crown Agency responsible for public transit integration and co-ordination in the Golden Horseshoe. He lives in Pickering with his wife, two young sons, and rescue dog Oscar.
Brad is running on a 3 point platform: Protect, Invest, Improve
Protect Pickering's health, environment, businesses and residents by:
- Continuing to advocate for a hospital to be built in Pickering.
- Opposing residential development in the Nuclear Exclusion zone at Pickering Waterfront.
- Reviewing Council's Support for OPA 38 - Kingston Road Intensification – which, in its current form, sacrifices businesses along Kingston Road and lacks any traffic impact studies.
- Directing the City's departments to develop a City-wide strategy to support businesses and residents impacted by development, paid for by developers.
- Making it clear that Pickering supports responsible development that doesn’t depend on the expansion of urban boundaries and destruction of farmland.
- Requiring that the City of Pickering defend itself at Ontario Land Tribunal appeals hearings, as opposed to relying on residents to do it.
- Reviewing and improving the City's approach to affordable housing. The City recently completed a Housing Strategy Study. The recommendations in the report need to be implemented in an expedited manner.
- Opposing an airport in north Pickering and telling the Federal Government that the land needs to be protected as agricultural land. This will encourage agricultural investment in Pickering and put to an end 50 years of an imaginary airport. It's time for Pickering to move forward.
Invest in Infrastructure that betters our community by:
- Improving connections throughout the City by investing in bike- and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure to better link our neighbourhoods.
- Working with the City of Toronto, the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to determine the feasibility of pedestrian/recreational connections through the long-closed Brock West Landfill lands.
- Consulting with the community and evaluating the feasibility of connecting the Waterfront Trail via a pedestrian bridge (Amsterdam style Bridge at the Pickering Channel) or a pedestrian ferry service like the Port Robinson Ferry across the Welland Canal so that both West and East Frenchman's Bay communities can be connected for foot traffic, creating a contiguous Waterfront trail through Pickering.
- Reviewing the Waterfront Parking Permit system and seeking suggestions for improvement from businesses and residents, including examining the feasibility of a shuttle from other City parking lots.
- Increasing investment in the Waterfront so that it is a gem on the Lake. The City has failed to bring year-round amenities or substantially improve conditions to capitalize on the Waterfront's true potential.
- Working with Council to set a minimum threshold of Casino profits that need to be specifically allocated to a Community Betterment Fund. This fund will be used to invest in community betterment, social services such as community food banks, parks improvements and non-vehicle infrastructure.
Improve transparency and accountability at City Hall by:
- Working with Council to implement a Lobbying Registry for the City of Pickering so that residents can see which corporations are lobbying City Council and on what topics.
- Directing City staff to improve resident access to information ("open by default"), including improving how donations and gifts to Council are represented on the City’s website to make it more transparent.
- Reviewing the feasibility of the City banning donations from developers or development interests during future municipal elections.
- Requiring that Casino dividends provided to the City be openly reported on the City website and a line by line accounting of how those profits are used is openly reported for public inspection.
- Spearheading the creation of a City website that tracks, in an easily readable and downloadable format, how Council has voted on items before it.
“I’m running for Mayor because it’s time for change in Pickering. It's time for "responsible development" to be a guiding principle at City Hall, not just a passing political slogan, and it's time for transparency at City Hall to be a rule of thumb, not a passing thought. We can work together to build a better Pickering for us all. That’s my promise to the voters of Pickering. For all my neighbours out there that feel the same way: I hope you’ll join me.”
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AjaxPickering.ca Community Managers