Zeynab Kazi
Candidate - Councillor Ward, 1
Campaign Office:
Virtual Campaign Office
View Literature (pdf)
About Zeynab
HI, My name is Zeynab Kazi and I am running to be the next City Councillor for Pickering Ward 1.
My vision is to see more transparency and inclusivity at City Council.
Why Vote for me? Because I genuinely CARE! And because I can CONNECT and RELATE to the needs to Ward 1 residents.
I am:
A Parent that is raising her children in Pickering Ward 1 and is concerned about the now and the future of our City.
A Homeowner that understands the struggles of keeping up with the rising property taxes, particularly with the rising cost of living.
A Realtor that is well educated in the changing demographics of Pickering and is communicating with past, current and future Pickering residents about their struggles (read affordable housing) on a daily basis.
A businesswoman that can empathize with the struggles faced by small businesses and how municipal support can be a game changer for them.
An animal lover that recognizes the importance of having policies, resources and spaces in place for pets and wild animals.
A lover of nature (lately I’ve found a lot of peace and solitude at Montgomery Point) that values the importance of nature for human’s and animal’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
An Entrepreneur that can be helpful in bringing creative and innovative ideas for generating income in Pickering, along with the networking skills required to get these ideas implemented.
A community volunteer and advocate that acknowledges that as a City, we need to help strengthen and empower our residents.
From community and family safety, to social issues and healthcare, I believe in Pickering and its future, as well as its past.
I promise to be an advocate for Ward 1 in the City of Pickering, its people and pets, its breathtaking beauty and charm and for all it has to offer for generations to come!
Zeynab's Literature
View Zeynab's LiteraturePlatform
Our city is experiencing unprecedented growth and development, as dictated by the province, it is essential that we preserve Pickering’s existing unique, beautiful and charming neighbourhoods, nature and small businesses.
I will fight to preserve Pickering’s precious waterfront and other existing communities from big developments.
I will advocate to preserve and grow Pickering’s small businesses, including the ones threatened by the current development plans.
I will advocate to revisit the City’s Official Plan policies to ensure responsible, sustainable, safe, inclusive and accessible growth.
I will help to develop a connectivity plan that will reduce future traffic congestion, environmental fatigue and noise pollution.
I will help to develop community engagement initiatives in collaboration with other agencies aimed at reducing neighbourhood crimes.
I will advocate to increase social services, shelters, programming and other support resources within the City.
My immediate key focuses will be towards mental health (imperative time for more resources), domestic abuse victims, sex trafficking (there is an alarming increase of late), youth and animals.
Pickering’s most vulnerable population will be acknowledged to ensure an inclusive and equitable City. There has been a significant rise in neighbourhood crimes occurring within Ward 1 of Pickering. I am committed to ensuring a sense of security within Pickering; the amazing city we chose to safely raise our kids in.
-A city-managed app designed to act as a free directory and loyalty program for Pickering small business (including home-based) to help encourage economical growth.
-The addition of 2 pickle ball courts and other spaces that encourage physical activity in Ward 1.
-An additional dog park in Ward 1 to accommodate for the growth of it's dog population over the last couple of years.
-Enhancing Ward 1 parks to include more innovative and inclusive equipment.
-Allowing for and encouraging more involvement from Pickering residents and businesses to help City Council make well-informed decisions.
- TRANSPARENCY of decisions being taken by City Council (Lobbyist registry & easily accessible recording of council votes).
- Launching an Anti-Littering campaign and an increase of trash receptacles within our neighbourhoods and parks.
Refer Zeynab Kazi
The most sincere form of support you can show for Zeynab Kazi is a referral to your friends and family who are of voting age. Please take a few moments to fill out the form below.