About Garry
My name is Garry Reader, and I am looking for your vote to elect me Mayor of Ajax on October 24, 2022!
I am a Husband, Father and Grandfather and a lifelong defender of Freedom. I am running to be the Mayor of Ajax because we need a leader that stands up for our fundamental rights and defends our way of life. We need to push back against the governments and special interests that continue to push leftist, collectivist ideology that creates fear and division to control us. We need to reject these false narratives and embrace our freedom and traditional values that bring us together as a community and celebrate what unites us!
I was born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario. I graduated from Sir Wilfrid Laurier CI and went on to York University where I earned a BA in Economics and an MBA in Business Administration. I have been involved in the security industry for the last 30 years and have run my own Security Company for the last 20 years.
My wife and have lived in Ajax for over twenty-five years and have enjoyed raising our family here. Unfortunately, we are starting to see more and more problems that are affecting Ajax. The push for increased urbanization and higher density housing, the growing congestion, the growing crime problems, the growing homeless encampments. Meanwhile, our Council is busy promoting Marxist Critical Race Theory, Woke ideology and claiming a “Climate Emergency” that is not supported with the most basic research of facts.
My education, business experience and family values will help guide the ship of Ajax back to the defence of our freedoms and away from growing government overreach, higher taxes and the endless bureaucracy that wants to control every aspect of our lives.
On October 24th please support Family, Faith and Freedom and Elect Garry Reader the Mayor of Ajax.
Garry's Literature
View Garry's LiteraturePlatform
Ajax is named in honour of those who fought to defend freedom over tyranny. Ajax’s success is based on building a Town that reflects those same values of Family, Faith, and Freedom. As Mayor, I will work to ensure that those values are reflected in Council’s decisions as we work to keep Ajax a safe, family-focused community.
I will work to support growth and economic development that enhances our Town’s character instead of fundamentally changing the fabric of Ajax. I will work to ensure that the residents of Ajax have effective input in the shaping and planning of their Town. We need to balance the rights of residents, developers, and other stakeholders as we pursue our growth plans.
I will work with Durham Regional Police Services to ensure that they have the proper resources to identify the sources and stop the growing crime activity in Ajax. I and my family have witnessed firsthand the growing crime problem in Ajax over the last 25 years. We need to work with the Police and Community to identify issues, create solutions and keep our Town safe.
I will work to end all Covid-19 mandates and testing requirements and ensure that separation and discrimination of Canadians based on medical treatments never happens again. We need to ensure that all actions of Council honour the supremacy of the Canadian Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that no laws infringe on our fundamental rights.
I will work to challenge the Marxist teachings of Critical Race Theory and other Woke ideologies that want to divide us with false history and radical beliefs. We are a country based on the supremacy of God, the recognition of our fundamental rights and the rule of law. We are all equal before the law. People come from all over the world to embrace and enjoy our freedom. We need to come together as a community with love and shared values and reject the hate and division that is disguised as Diversity Training.
I will work to challenge the claims that we are facing a “Climate Emergency”. Climate is always changing but, the science doesn’t support getting rid of fossil fuels and transitioning to so-called “Green” energy. Political agendas and not evidence-based decisions are responsible for eliminating affordable energy, destroying our economy, wasting billions of tax dollars, and threatening our way of life.
As a small business owner, I understand the challenges of working with a budget and delivering competitive services. I will work with Staff and Council to ensure that the Town continues to supply services and programs in the most cost-effective and efficient manner possible. My priority will be to keep our taxes at the lowest possible level.
Campaign Office Hours
Monday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Refer Garry Reader
The most sincere form of support you can show for Garry Reader is a referral to your friends and family who are of voting age. Please take a few moments to fill out the form below.
Thank you,
AjaxPickering.ca Community Managers