About Auguste
My name is Auguste Deonarine, and I am running for the position of DCDSB Trustee in the Town of Ajax. My candidacy has been endorsed by the Durham Elementary and Secondary Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association.
So, who is Auguste?
I’m a long time resident of Ajax.
As someone who has been a resident of Ajax for over 30 years, as well as attending primary and secondary schools in the DCDSB, and whose children continue in the DCDSB, I have gained unique experience with the DCDSB and the larger Durham community that will guide me as a trustee.
This connection and pride in Durham and the DCDSB will help me ensure that the strength of our diverse community of faith and the strength of our civic pride will benefit an inclusive student community.
I also have valuable experience in developing parent engagement
As a parent who was elected to two terms as Catholic School Council Chair for my children's school, and as a member of Anti-Black Racism Parent Advisory Committee, I have gained valuable experience in understanding the challenges for parent engagement.
I have volunteered extensively to support children's recreation, and I am the 2018 recipient of the Ajax Community Volunteer Award for Recreation.
I also have valuable background and experience in driving strong organizational outcomes
I have an MBA and certificates in Risk Management, Change Management, Workplace Mental Health Leadership, and Strategic Analytics. With 20 years of experience in working with large organizations in both the private and public sector, I have gained practical knowledge for using data to drive informative insights that can guide policy development, stakeholder engagement, and responsible use of limited financial resources. All of which will help ensure that students staff, parents, and teachers get the most from their experience at DCDSB.
Auguste's Literature
View Auguste's Literature
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