Marisa Hall
Candidate - DDCSB Trustee (Catholic)
Campaign Office:
Virtual Campaign Office
Ajax, ON
View Literature (pdf)
About Marisa
I have been endorsed by the OECTA Durham Secondary and Elementary
With over 15 years of experience working with communities in Toronto, Peel and Durham, I will work with our school community to amplify family voice, transform relationships and advocate for all children. I’ll do this by listening, educating and leading with humility that is rooted in my Catholic faith.
I care deeply about community and collaboration. I am a product of the Ontario Catholic School system and I believe catholic education has shaped who I am today.
I am a community developer, a systems thinker and an advocate. I’ve dedicated my entire professional career to community/organizational development, capacity building, collaboration and advocacy. I have worked in various communities across the GTA managing collaboratives that focus on systems level work.
My experience ranges from organizational leadership and development to diversity and cultural competence across three different regions: Toronto, Peel and Durham.
Currently, I am the Director of Engagement at a Durham Region developmental services agency. This agency is a charitable organization offering opportunities for personal growth, community inclusion and empowerment to people with developmental disabilities and their families.
I hold a masters degree in Public Policy and Administration (MPPA) from Ryerson University with a focus on health and social policy. I also hold a Specialist HBA in Political Science from the University of Toronto.
I spend my free time working with the parent council of my children’s school helping to build a positive and welcoming school community.
Marisa's Literature
View Marisa's LiteraturePlatform
I have been endorsed by the OECTA Durham Secondary and Elementary
On Behalf of my community I will:
Amplify parent voice - We need a Board of Trustees that will listen to their constituents. Parent voice needs to be considered when developing policy. When I am elected as Trustee, your voice will be a critical part of how I do the work.
My goal: let’s strengthen the consultation process. Every policy put forward by the board should go through a process of consulting DCPIC and other advocacy tables the DCDSB engages with where parents are represented.
Transform relationships by engaging community - We need to increase trustee presence in schools and in our community. It is only though engagement that we ensure the needs of the community are brought forward and considered in policy development.
My goal: I hope to participate in school communities across Ajax by hosting regularly scheduled Town Hall meetings that provide opportunities for families and students to provide feedback and ask questions. This encourages transparency and is one way communities can hold Trustees accountable. Transparency and accountability should be standard expectations that are part of the role.
Advocate: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility. These aren’t just buzz words. These are values that should guide the work of a Trustee.
My goal: diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility must genuinely be addressed; diversity among our educators, equity in our approach to education/academic achievement (understanding what different children need to thrive instead of applying a blanket approach to all kids), fostering an inclusive environment that is safe for all kids and addresses bullying and making our schools accessible for all children by focusing on programs that allow children with disabilities the opportunity to have similar educational experiences as children without disabilities. I also propose the Board strike a DEIA committee that can review every policy and procedure through the lens of DEIA.
Prioritize the closing of any gaps in academic achievement as a result of the pandemic by ensuring strong policies are developed to help our children catch up.
My goal: to propose a policy that puts into place a plan to close the academic gap that has occurred as a result of the pandemic. This plan would see children struggling academically, identified and supported through additional resources such as extra help during recesses or after school, opportunities to extend learning into part of the summer and continuing with grant opportunities for 3rd party tutoring.
Encourage collaboration with our unions to ensure safe, positive workplaces for all of our education workers.
My goal: Our schools must be safe places for our educators as well. I will work with our union partners to achieve this priority.
Campaign Office Hours
Monday - 9-5
Tuesday - 9-5
Wednesday - 9-5
Thursday - 9-5
Friday - 9-5
Saturday -
Sunday -
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AjaxPickering.ca Community Managers